Joy Filled Days...

If you measure time by the saying time flies when you're having fun, then we had a whole lot of fun this Christmas. Since the shop was closed up for the week between holidays and Christmas conveniently fell on a Tuesday, we ended up with two weeks of time to spend with our family in Canada. It was the longest break we've had since we were married, but it felt like one of the shortest.


 This picture is courtesy of Isaac on the Ewert/Epp Christmas dinner where there was plenty of food, family and fun to be had. We got to have extra family at the table this year because Ems got married on the 29th and her fiance's family joined us.

Our Christmas Eve dinner included a friend and her little girl along with our family. It's been a long time since we've had little ones around at Christmas time. Their enthusiasm is a great addition to the Christmas Cheer.

  I think the biggest hit was Aunt Tabitha's gift to Jeannie.

 I can't wait until Olivia is old enough to enjoy the holidays like her cousin.

I do think she still enjoyed it quite a bit even if the wrapping was almost as exciting as the gift.

Christmas day we went across the border to Bellinghem to spend it with the family there.

Christmas day included extended family from Tennessee. Grandma's giant dining table had all the extensions in it and we still had to add another table. 

Then came the wedding! Don't they make a good looking couple?

It was a fun and colorful and oh so happy wedding despite being the middle of winter. Wedding party pictures were taken on the beach and I can't wait to see how they turned out.

What a happy Christmas it was.

Happy New Year to everyone!


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