Vacation in Canada...

A couple weeks ago we crammed our car full of mostly baby paraphernalia and hit the road for an 8 hour drive up to Canada. I was nervous about how pleasant the car ride would be. Our firstborn did the trip at the same age as Paige and there was a lot of screaming. Fortunately Paige seemed less concerned about the fact she was trapped in a carseat for a long period of time and we had a very pleasant ride there and back.

I must have been distracted because although my camera was packed with a full battery I forgot to take more than a small handful of pictures.

My parents have a large fenced in backyard and three dogs. Olivia thought this was a great arrangement.

Grandpa took her out to the garden where she got to pick berries with her great grandma.

 Paige had a favorite spot. Pretty sure she is asking us to get a porch swing in this picture.

My favorite picture of the week. (Although sadly blurry) My grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and all the great grandchild - seven girls and a boy - lined up for this picture. Jeannie did a great job of holding Paige and Olivia was pretty thrilled Aunt Sandy let her 'hold' Peter. I'm not sure that Peter was as thrilled.

It was a wonderful event. The entire family and many old friends were able to come together and celebrate my grandparent's wedding anniversary with them. Sadly I neglected to get a picture of grandma and grandpa, but here's one I stole from Tabitha where Grandma and Paige are meeting for the first time.

We meant to do a lot of things like see the zoo and take the girls to the ocean, but instead we spent most of the time quietly with the family. Which, if you think about it, a pretty great way to spend a vacation.


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