Taya Kathryn...

A week ago Saturday night we headed to the hospital as labor started. Shortly after 6am on Sunday March 8th, Taya Kathryn Blythe was born weighing just shy of 7 lbs and after giving two little cries she contentedly snuggled with a very happy mom. Thus far she has proven herself to be an excellent snuggler and a generally good sleeper.

At eight days old she has definitely found her place. Olivia loves to hold her and tell her; "It's ok." Every diaper change, Olivia pulls up a chair and is eager to help. Paige gets a kick out of her new sister and seems to find her funny. Whenever Taya is down at her level, Paige rushes over to lick her (her version of a kiss), and then leans her head against her making an "aw" noise.

Mom came and spent the week helping make the transition to being a family of five a smooth one.


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