Up to Speed

After a year long hiatus from this blog, I've been itching to revive it! Here's a new post to start 2018.

Looking back, 2017 was a roller coaster year that finally landed us in a position far better than we  imagined. We are very grateful and feel blessed for so many reasons.

In the first few months we bought The B House.

Paden was traveling during this whole time, so I got to navigate that process solo while working and taking care of 3 kids (with grandma help!). We fortuitously landed an incompetent loan agent who repeatedly lost paperwork and, in the end, gave us a loan for the wrong amount. Never been so happy to permanently file paperwork and get moved!

This house has felt like home faster than any other place we have lived in. I adore our B House and have big plans for it over the years. In fact, we are about to embark on our first DIY room remodel! Stay tuned for that success or disaster!

A little over a year ago Paden started a new job. Initially he performed the role of traveling salesman and was gone 5 days a week. That lasted too long before he transitioned into a new role allowing him to stay home and he is finding his niche in the new company.

The girls all turned a year older and refuse to stop growing up.

Olivia started school and spent the last half of the year making best friends and practicing her writing skills.

Paige turned four and loves all things girly. Most especially pretty dresses and unicorns.

The youngest perhaps, but not the least! Taya is our monkey with her impressive somersault abilities and goofy faces.

We have lofty aspirations for 2018 being the best year yet and look forward to all it has to offer.

Happy New Year!


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