The Living Room and Maryland

This is my other favorite room in the house. (According to Olivia we can have lots of favorites.)

This room got the most attention as I was planning out our new home here in Kansas. The only piece of living room furniture we brought from Idaho was the glass coffee table. After searching and searching and not finding anything that particularly grabbed me, I happened across this couch set and the room was made. I couldn't be happier with how they keep the authenticity of age and character in this almost 100 year old house. I was also particularly pleased with my rug find.

 The room is very large and extends the whole width of the house. Our dining room is set up on the other side. I spent everything on the living room, so right now the dining room is pretty bare. And I don't regret it one little bit.

The floors were covered in carpet when we first got here. After tearing them up, we decided we needed to refinish them. Paden and Kaley rented a sander and sanded it down. We then had it stained, but before putting the finish on it, I decided I liked the raw, rough look without the finish. So we left it as it was. It really helps create an authentic feeling and character filled room.


Last weekend we were able to take Matt and Kirsten Tucker up on a long standing invitation to come see Maryland.

We took the boat all the way to Annapolis which is well worth seeing in our opinion.

My personal favorite part of the trip beyond seeing old friends was kayaking. It was very enjoyable to do activities our toddler stage of life doesn't generally allow for. I look forward to when they can jump in a kayak with us!

It was nice to have a weekend where nobody asked me to get them a drink or make them a snack or change their diaper. That said, we were sure glad to get home to our little girls! If home is where the heart is, then this is home!


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